From the beginning ES&S has always been open to new technologies. 1995 the first website was put online. In 2004, ELO was implemented in the commercial area to record electronically all incoming and outgoing documents. In 2007, we created a production scheduling software „Compass“ that took us directly to another dimension. Where the phrase “Industry 4.0” has not even been promoted, we had already set our course for the future.
As a cable assembly company, full automation is not possible due to the high individual production. However our aim is to achieve 100% internal networking in production. That’s why we included our existing structures, IT resources, datasets, business model and created a transformation roadmap. This large action plan will keep us busy for the next few years and release a lot of optimization potential. As an example, each of our employees is equipped with their own ES&S mobile phone which has a self-programmed app thus all operations can be scanned. Therefor we have large datasets available that are internally evaluated by a self-programmed software and so an optimal production control is guaranteed. In order staying flexible for our customers a new capacity control is planned which automatically calculates short-term delivery date changes and requests. In other departments tablets are used to specify assembly instructions or setting parameters on machines. We want to work completely paperless and minimize the documentation effort. This takes advantage to directly improve the product and can be transmitted without delay in real time in production.
Our aim could be for customers to get direct access to our ES&S database with a customer login to check at any time how far an order has already been processed. Therefor the own production can be better managed. This gives the whole value chain higher flexibility, speed and reliability.
This is more than a vision. ES&S works continuously for its customers and every year about 1% of its revenues are invested in all future technologies.