Our certifications REACH compliant

REACH – Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation & Restriction of CHemicals

REACH is a European chemicals regulation for Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals. Since 2007 the REACH regulation has entered into force in order to ensure the human health and the environment.

REACH is based on the principle that manufacturers, importers and users equally take responsibility for their chemicals. They must ensure that chemicals they manufacture and place on the market are used safely.


Key elements of the REACH strategy are:

  • Shifting responsibility for collecting, evaluating data and assessing risks associated with the use of chemicals from the authorities to the industry.
  • Extending the responsibility for product safety and making information on uses and exposure available to all downstream users.
  • Specific authorization procedure for chemicals of very high concern.
  • Mandatory sharing of test data costs, in particular to avoid duplication of animal testing while promoting of non-animal testing methods.


1. Registration in a central database of all chemicals produced and imported in the EU in quantities of more than one tonne per year (new substances and existing substances).

2. Assessment of chemicals by competent authorities based on tests and other available information to be provided by companies depending on the quantities placed on the market (approximately 15% of the chemicals recorded).

3. Authorization procedures for chemicals which give cause for great concern (approximately 5% of the chemicals covered) due to the following characteristics:

  • carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic for reproduction (CMR), categories 1 or 2
  • persistent, accumulates in the body and is toxic (PBTs, persistent, bioaccumulating, toxic) or very persistent and high in the body (vPvBs, very persistent, very bioaccumulative)
  • other dangerous and harmful properties which give rise high degree of concern as for example an effect influencing the endocrine effects on the hormone balance.

It is our duty – as a company – to meet these requirements. Attached you will find the text of the REACH regulation as well as the concerned analysis commissioned by us! Do you have any questions? - We are always available.