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This cable set allows a quick and easy connection between a display with a STM connector FI-S20S (compatible with JAE series FI-S20S) and any graphics board connector of the Hirose series DF13, 20- ,30- or 40-pin.

We supply a 20-pin round cable with a connector FI-S20S-TW (compatible with JAE FI-S20S series) on side 1. Three Hirose connectors DF13-20DS-1.25C, DF13-30DS-1.25C, DF13-40DS-1.25C for the second side are included. The cable has mounted crimp contacts on both sides and will be supplied unplugged.

The connectors can easily be assembled according to your cable layouts to achieve an optimum function and allocation of the pairs to the signal structures.

The cable is especially suited for samples, the prototype construction or very small series.

Technical specifications:

  • side 1: FI-S20S compatible with JAE FI-XS20S
  • side 2: DF13-20DS-1.25C, DF13-30DS-1.25C, DF13-40DS-1.25C
  • both sides unplugged, 20-pin, highly flexible round cable, twin stranded, UL2560, AWG28, shielded, l = 500 mm
  • operating temperature: -20 °C to 85 °C
  • weight: 31.9 g


  • small quantities available from stock
  • individual assembling on both sides possible
  • different lengths available on short notice
  • shielded
  • with twisted pair
  • suitable for LVDS
  • this cable will be supplied unplugged on both sides including matching connector housings!

We can also offer samples of the complete assembled ready-to-use cable set (on one or on both sides according to your cable layouts). Please contact us. We would be pleased to submit you our non-binding offer.

This cable fits to the following pin headers:
76B20-0048RA-G4, FI-SEB20P-HFE, FI-SEB20P-HF13E, FI-SEB20P-HF13RE, FI-SEB20P-HF10E, FI-SEB20P-HF16RE, 20186-020E-11F, 20197-*20U-F, FI-SEB20P-HF13E-E1500, 20186-020-E-11F, 20197-*20U-F, TU1213HNO-20, TU1213WNR-20S, A1252WV-SF2X20PD01

FI-C3-A1-15000, DF14-2628SC

The following displays will be supported:
AT104SN01, AA104SG01, AA121XH03, AA121XH05, AA142XC11, LP141XA, LQ121S1LG41, LQ121S1LG61, LQ121S1LW01, LQ121S7LY01, LTN141P4, NL10276BC12-02, NL10276BC13-01C, NL10276BC16-01, NL10276BC20-04, NL10276BC20-07, NL10276BC24-13, NL10276BC24-13C, NL10276BC30-10, NL10276BC30-24D, NL6448BC20-21C, Nl6448bc-20-21d, NL6448BC20-21D, NL6448BC26-08D, NL6448BC33-63C, NL6448BC33-63D, NL8048BC19-02, NL8048BC24-01, NL8048BC24-04, NL8060B31-28D, NL8060BC21-02, NL8060BC21-03, NL8060BC21-04, NL8060BC26-30C, NL8060BC26-30D, NL8060BC31-41C, NL8060BC31-41D, T-51756D121J-FW-A-AA, T-51866D121J-FW-A-AA, T-51944D104J-FW-A-AA, T-52017D121J-FW-A-AA, T-52017D121J-FW-A-ABN, T-55105D121J-FW-A-AAN, T-55105D121J-FW-A-ABN, TX31D56VM2AAA, TX38D55VM1AAA, TX39D55VM1BAA, LQ104S1LG61, LQ084S3LG01, LQ104S1LG21, LQ104S1LG31, LQ121S1LG41, LQ121S1LG61, SP0835E, NL6448BC26-15, G070Y2-L01, G121X1-L03, T-55466D084J-LW-A-AAN, NL8060BC21-11C, LQ121S1LG62, PD080SL2, TX23D38VM0CAA, G070Y2-L01, LQ121S1LG81, AA084XB11, AA121TD01, NL6448BC33-71D, AA090MF11_02_00, TX18D200VM0EAA, THC63LVD823B, AA084SD11-CA-01, AA104XF12-DE-02, TCG104VGLP*ANN-AN*25, TCG104VGLP-ANN-AN-25, TX31D45VM, AA104VJ12, NL8060BC21-11F, NL8048AC19-14F, NL8048AC19-13, AA070ME01-DA1, TX18D200VM0eAA, TX18D204VM0BAA, AA090TB01-DA2, NL12880AC20-20D, NL12880AC20-14D, NL12880AC20, TM070JDHG34-00, G121EAN01.3, OT121ZSDDLN-00, LQ121S1LG84, LQ121S1LG86, LQ121S1LG88, AM-1024768ZTZQW-00H, CLAA121XA02DW, AA065VE11ADA11, TX38D25VM0CAA, TX38D25VM0CAB, G121AGE-L03, G121S1-L02, G121X1-L04, AM-800600MTMQW-A4H, TX38D25VM0CAA-3, G150XGE-L04, G150XTN03.1, TX26D200VM2BAB, NL10276BC20-18C, TCG121XGLPBPNN-AN40, LQ104V1LG81, TCG121WXLR, NL128102AC26-01, NL6448BC33-71C, TX31D200VM0BAA, TX23D200VM0BPA, AA070TA01ADA11, MI210UT-1, G121XCE-L02, ETML1010G1DKA, TX26D207VM0AAA, TX20D200VM2BAB, TX26D200VM5BAA, TX20D207VM0AAA, TX23D202VM0BAA, TX23D203VM0BAA, NL6448BC20-30F, NL6448BC20-30D, NL6448BC20-30C, TM070JVHG33-01, NL8048BC19-02C, NL10276BC16-06, NL8048BC24-12, NL8048BC24-09, TM101JDHG32-00, TM101JDHG32-01, NL10276BC20-18F, NL12880BC20-07F, NL8060BC31-51C, TM101JVHG32-01, TX16D207VM0BAA, TX20D208VM0BAA, TX20D208VM0BAB, TX18D211VM0BAA , TX18D212VM0BAA, TCG104VGLACANN, TX26D211VM0BAA, TX26D211VM0BAB, ADB18211, ADB18212, TX31D207VM0BAB, TX31D207VM0BAA, TX20D207VM0AVA, P1040XGF1MA00, TX18D216VM0BAA, TX18D216VM0BAB, TX27D201VM0AAB, TX27D201VM0AAA, TX16D207VM0BPA, NL6448AC18-11D, TCG121XGLPAPNN-AN20‎, TCG121XGLPAPNN-AN30, DD-0700-ME01, DD-0700-MC01, DD-0700-ME11, DD-0840-XE01, DD-0840-XE11, P0650VGF1MA00, P0650VGF1MA10, P1210XGF1MB00, TX18D216VM0BAC-2, G121STN02.1,TX27D200VM0AVB, P1210XGF1MA01, P0800WVF1MA00, COM121H9M21SSS, COM121H9M18SSS

The following boards will be supported:
​D3544, aStone A9r2 - armstone A9r4

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